Andrea D’Angelo is a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of L’Aquila, Italy, where he previously earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science in 2019 and 2022, respectively. His research interests revolve around information retrieval,  Natural Language Processing, and Gender Fairness in the Informatics Community.  His previous work on Gender Fairness was presented at ECSA ’23 in Istanbul, and he was also part of Pinkamp ’23 as a tutor. 


Antinisca Di Marco is Associate Professor in Computer Science at University of L’Aquila. Her main research topics are Software Quality Engineering, Data Science, Quality (such as fairness, explainability and privacy) in Learning Systems and Bioinformatics. She is involved in several national and international projects on such topics. She is the responsible of the research infrastructure of Territori Aperti project, co-PI of the project and the director of the INFOLIFE CINI Laboratory node in L’Aquila. Since 2018, she is involved in several actions and projects aiming at improving equal opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). In particular, she is member of the cost action EUGAIN, and co-ideator and co-coordinator of PinKamP
Fabio Fossa is assistant professor (RTDA) in moral philosophy at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, Italy. His main research areas are philosophy of technology, robot and AI ethics, applied ethics, and the philosophy of Hans Jonas. His current research deals with the philosophy of artificial agency and the ethics of social robotics and driving automation. He is Editor-In-Chief of the Italian Journal InCircolo – Rivista di filosofia e culture and a member of META – Social Sciences and Humanities for Science and Technology. Among his publications: Ethics of Driving Automation. Artificial Agency and Human Values, Springer 2023.
Fosca Giannotti is Full Professor at Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy. Fosca Giannotti is a pioneering scientist in mobility data mining, social network analysis and privacy-preserving data mining. Fosca leads the Pisa KDD Lab – Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory, a joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and ISTI-CNR, founded in 1994 as one of the earliest research lab on data mining. Fosca’s research focus is on social mining from big data: smart cities, human dynamics, social and economic networks, ethics and trust, diffusion of innovations. She is author of more than 300 papers. She has coordinated tens of European projects and industrial collaborations. Fosca is the former coordinator of SoBigData, the European research infrastructure on Big Data Analytics and Social Mining, an ecosystem of ten cutting edge European research centres providing an open platform for interdisciplinary data science and data-driven innovation. Recently she became the recipient of a prestigious ERC Advanced Grant entitled XAI – Science and technology for the explanation of AI decision making.
Francesca Caroccia graduated in Law at La Sapienza University of Rome, where she also achieved a Master’s degree in Consumer and Tort law. In 2004, she received her PhD in Comparative law. Since 2008, she has worked as an Associate Professor of Private Law at the University of L’Aquila. In 2018, she obtained the National Scientific Qualification as a full professor in Private Law.
She holds the Chairs of Private Law and Theory of Legal Interpretation and Fundamental Rights at the University of L’Aquila. She is a member of Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees, the Italian Association of Private Law Scholars, and the academic board of the PhD at the University of L’Aquila. She has published extensively on private and comparative law. She focuses on Contract Law (Interpretation; limits of personal autonomy), Tort law, and legal approaches to using new
technologies (AI).
Giordano d’Aloisio is a PhD student in Information and Communication Technology at the University of L’Aquila, where he also holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science. His research activity mainly focuses on Data Science and Software Engineering techniques for the quality assurance of machine learning systems, in particular Bias and Fairness. He is responsible for the Data Accumulation task of the Territori Aperti project (funded by Fondo territori Lavoro Conoscenza – CGIL CISL UIL), and he is a member of several national and international projects. He has different publications on conferences and journals including IPDM and FASE on the topic of bias and fairness in machine learning systems.
Prof. Giovanni Stilo is a Computer Science and Data Science associate professor at the University of L’Aquila, where he leads the Master’s Degree in Data Science. He received his PhD in Computer Science in 2013, and in 2014, he was a visiting researcher at Yahoo! Labs in Barcelona. His research interests are related to machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence, with a special interest in (but not limited to) trustworthiness aspects such as Bias, Fairness, and Explainability.  Specifically, he is the head of the GRETEL project devoted to empowering the research in the Graph Counterfactual Explainability field. He has co-organized a long series (2020-2023) of top-tier International workshops and Journal Special Issues focused on Bias and Fairness in Search and Recommendation. He serves on the editorial boards of IEEE, ACM, Springer, and Elsevier Journals such as TITS, TKDE, DMKD, AI, KAIS, and AIIM. He is responsible for New technologies for data collection, preparation, and analysis of the Territory Aperti project and coordinator of the activities on “Responsible Data Science and Training” of PNRR project (, and PI of the “FAIR-EDU: Promote FAIRness in EDUcation Institutions” project.  CONTACT:
Mbangula Lameck Amugongo is an accomplished professional in the field of IT and computing, boasting a wealth of experience spanning over a decade. His diverse background includes roles in both the telecommunications industry and academia. Previously, he served as a postdoctoral research associate at the Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence at Technische Universität München. In this capacity, investigated ethical aspects related to trustworthy AI and addressed a growing group of ethical challenges arising at the interface of technology and human values.
Mbangula Lameck holds several degrees, including a B.IT in Software Engineering, a BSc (Hon) in Computer Science ‘Cum Laude’, an MSc in Computer Science from NUST, and a PhD in Cancer Science from the University of Manchester. His doctoral research focused on applying advanced data analysis techniques to personalize radiotherapy treatment for lung cancer patients, utilizing thousands of 3D images. His passion lies in the design, development and use of ethical technologies, and his research interests include artificial intelligence, ethics in artificial intelligence, and digital transformation. Presently, he is employed as a postdoctoral researcher at Boehringer Ingelheim, where he applies cutting-edge machine learning techniques in the realm of clinical development.
Lisandra Suárez Fernández graduated in Law from Matanzas University, Cuba. Since 2008, she has worked at the University of Matanzas, where she has been a Full Professor of Private Law since 2020.
She achieved a Master’s in Family Law (2011) and a PhD in Legal Sciences (2019) at La Habana University, Cuba. She has been a Public Notary of Cuba since 2012. She is currently a research fellow
at the University of L’Aquila. In 2016, she completed an internship at the University of Valencia, Spain, dedicating her research period to Gender-based Violence. She has published on private and comparative law. Her research is focused on Family Law (assisted reproductive technologies (ART); succession rights of couples in de facto unions; family mediation), Tort law, and legal approaches to the use of new technologies (AI).
Dr. Lisette Espin-Noboa is a postdoctoral fellow at both Complexity Science Hub and Central European University in Vienna. She specializes in Computational Social Science at the intersection of Network Science and Applied Artificial Intelligence with a focus on promoting Social Good. Her research is driven by a commitment to addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly those related to reducing inequalities and poverty. Dr. Espin-Noboa’s work involves proposing techniques for auditing algorithms to uncover biases in data and algorithms, especially in networked contexts. Her research contributions have been featured in venues such as The Web Conference, Scientific Reports, and various journals related to network science. She holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Koblenz-Landau, a master’s degree from the University of Saarland, and an engineering degree from Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral. 
Marihum Pernia is a Design & Innovation Director at eFM spa. She is also a Co-Founder of Service Design Drinks Milan and coexist. With a background in strategic design from Politecnico di Milano, Marihum focuses on transforming business strategies and organizational ecosystems through the study of human behaviors and the application of technological foundations. She has over ten years of experience in the design sector and currently works as the Innovation & Design Director at eFM-Engaging Places, where she leads the Hubquarter project—an ecosystem that shares existing spaces for value generation. Marihum is also involved in setting the agile path for eFM to become a platfirm in the Real Estate sector. Additionally, she serves as an adjunct professor at Politecnico di Milano. In 2022, Marihum created coexist, a digital space focused on reflecting and interpreting design, technology, ethics, and fostering a fair coexistence between humans, algorithms, and other entities
Statistician, graduated in Statistics and Economics at University of Siena. She’s got a master of Science (M.Sc.) from University of Pisa in Big Data Analytics and Social Mining in 2015. Her work focuses on applied data science with particular interests in the design and development of Big Data Analytics experiments for defining and monitoring statistical indicators for complex social phenomena also in a gender perspective.
She is the Research Infrastructure Manager of and she is in the management team of the SoBigData Research Infrastructure (, the European Research Infrastructure for Big Data and Social Mining.
 is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in the NoBIAS – Artificial Intelligence without Bias project and a PhD candidate in Science and Technology Studies at the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) at the University of Klagenfurt. Her research interests include feminist and relational approaches to technology and infrastructures. E-Mail:
Rosalba Nodari (Rome, 1984) is a fixed-term researcher and teaches Language acquisition and language teaching at University of Siena. She has graduated with a MA in Linguistics at the University of Rome La Sapienza and she received her Phd in Modern philological and linguistic studies at the Scuola Normale Superiore, with a dissertation on sociophonetics regarding the variation in adolescents’ regional Italian. Between 2018 and 2022 she was research fellow at the University of Siena, she’s been part of several research projects including “ConcertAzioni – School and society in sensitive neighborhoods”, “Fregati dall’accento! Linguistic discrimination in school contexts” (2018- 2020) funded by the ALSOS-Bologna Foundation, “LISTEN Landscape in Sounds through Eco-Museums network” (2020-22). She has also taught in master’s degree courses at both the universities of Padua and L’Aquila. Her research interests are linguistic discrimination, sociophonetics, oral archives and gender linguistics
 Su Lin Blodgett is a researcher in the Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, and Ethics (FATE) group at Microsoft Research Montréal. Her research focuses on the ethical and social implications of language technologies, focusing on the complexities of language and language technologies in their social contexts, and on supporting NLP practitioners in their ethical work. She completed her Ph.D. in computer science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she was supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and has been named as one of the 2022 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics.
Zeerak Talat (formerly known as Zeerak Waseem) is a Research fellow at Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence. Zeerak holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Sheffield, with a focus on natural language processing.  Zeerak’s work examines the assumptions that underpin NLP and machine learning (ML) technologies. Drawing on research from anthropology, discard studies, science and technology studies, and media studies, their work seeks to consider NLP and ML technologies through the lens of content moderation technologies to understand how they can cause harm to individuals and societies.